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 - Added a MOUSEREG statement to set up a RIP mouse region on the remote

    MOUSEREG num,x1,y1,x2,y2,fontX,fontY,invert,clear,text

     num    = Is the RIP region number
     x1,y1  = The (X,Y) coordinates of the upper-left of the region
     x2,y2  = The (X,Y) coordinates of the lower-right of the region
     fontX  = The width of each character in pixels
     fontY  = The height of each character in pixels
     invert = A boolean flag (TRUE to invert the region when clicked)
     clear  = A boolean flag (TRUE to clear and full screen the text window)
     text   = Text that the remote terminal should transmit when the region
              is clicked

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson